Lunes, Enero 18, 2016

Water Cycle

The word "cycle" defined by Merriam-Webster is a set of events or actions that happen again and again in the same order or a repeating series of events or actions.
Water cycle is also known as "hydro logical cycle" or " H2O cycle". It is the continuous movement of water above or below the Earth's surface. 
The picture below shows the summary of the water cycle. 

First, transpiration. it is the process in which moisture is carried through plants from roots to small pores on the underside of leaves, where it changes to vapor and released to the atmosphere. It is evaporation of water from plants. And then the vapor int air is changed to liquid water and this is when clouds are formed. This process is called Condensation. And after condensation is precipitation. In this process because of the continuous evaporation the clouds that are formed no longer can hold the weight of the vapor so precipitation occurs. Clouds could precipitate either snow or melt and fall to become rain. Next is Surface runoff, here precipitation falls on the land, flows overland (runoff), and runs into rivers, which then empty into the oceans, and other bodies of water where water is being accumulated. And then the water cycles starts all over again.  

Sabado, Enero 2, 2016

The video entitled "Story of Stuff" is a 20-minute video presentation talking about connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues, and it tells us to do something about it to make a our world more sustainable.Consumerism is the prime reason of the destruction of our environment. From extraction to production to distribution to consumption to disposal there are steps that destroys the environment. People just think about how they will consume, how they will get things, they don't think about the consequences. People want progression while without thinking what will happen to the environment. Like the computers,it upgrades at least every 3 months so people tend to change and buy new computers or gadgets. What happens to the old one? People just throw them away adding to the technological wastes of the world. The key to stopping this is in our hands. We should think more for the environment. Progression is not bad. We can progress while making the environment more clean. We could recycle things. Our small deed can make a big change to help our environment.

Link to "Story of Stuff":
